Cassie Laine
- #1097 model rank
- #4.5K subscribers
Cassie Lane at Art-lingerie, Cassie Laine at Atkarchives, Atkexotics, Atkpetites, Atkpremium, Clubseventeen, Clubsweethearts, Hollyrandall, Inthecrack, Nubilefilms, Nubiles, Playboy Plus, Sexart, Thelifeerotic, Twistys, Cassie at Ftvgirls, X-art
Cassie Laine is a nude model from Los Angeles, California, who also doe some hot lesbian scenes and solo masturbation scenes. She is an adorable brunette hottie at 5’2”, under a hundred pounds, and she’s all-natural. She has sexy soft curves and a great round ass. Cassie also was blessed with a perfect pair of perky natural B cup boobs and skin like fine porcelain.
- Born:1992-10-23
- Birthplace:United States
- Hair Color:Brown
- Height:157 cm / 5ft 1ins
- Bust Size:Medium
- Measurements:32-23-34
- First Seen:2012