Elva Tan

Elva Tan

  • #4723 model rank
  • #890 subscribers

Elva Tan at Metart

Hi! I am a nude-model in China. Serveral months ago, I didn't know what a nude-model was. I had never heard about nude-modeling. Now I am a nude-model, and I love it too. haha~~~~~ I don't think I have much that is unique. I like KFC. I like watching movies, especially the Hollywood films. I love shopping! Now I would like to work on becoming a great model. Therefore, I will buy a lot of good fashion magazines. I hope I can show you the satisfaction, thank you!

  • Born:1990-02-09
  • Birthplace:China
  • Hair Color:Black
  • Height:162 cm / 5ft 3ins
  • Bust Size:Small
  • First Seen:2009